Welcome to St Columba Roman Catholic Church

Tel : 0141 332 4530
Parish Mobile - 07871 643357
Tel : 0141 332 4530
Parish Mobile - 07871 643357
The Mass Times published for St Columba's Church on the Archdiocese of Glasgow website... (https://www.rcag.org.uk/) are incorrect.
Please refer to the bottom of this page for the correct times.
Every year from May until October, people from all over Scotland take part in the 13th of the month pilgrimage to Carfin. This is a great way to gather and to pray for the needs of our country and for peace in the world. The first one of the year will be held on Saturday 13th May and it will start at 7.30pm and conclude at 9.15pm. The pilgrimage consists of Rosary Procession, Mass, Adoration of Blessed Sacrament and Benediction. Unfortunately, due to the cost of transport it is not possible to organise a bus from the parish, but it is hoped that several people may offer to take others in their car. There is also a train station right beside the grotto at Carfin.
The ‘200 Club’ is up and running again.
Please consider joining. The cost is £1 per Month: £12 for the year.
See Jeannette Farrell after Mass or Sr Eileen.
Masses are being 'Live Streamed' via the Internet to our Youtube Channel.
To follow the Masses click on the button below: -
The Mass Times published for St Columba's Church on the Archdiocese of Glasgow website... (https://www.rcag.org.uk/) are incorrect.
Please refer to the bottom of this page for the correct times.
Every year from May until October, people from all over Scotland take part in the 13th of the month pilgrimage to Carfin. This is a great way to gather and to pray for the needs of our country and for peace in the world. The first one of the year will be held on Saturday 13th May and it will start at 7.30pm and conclude at 9.15pm. The pilgrimage consists of Rosary Procession, Mass, Adoration of Blessed Sacrament and Benediction. Unfortunately, due to the cost of transport it is not possible to organise a bus from the parish, but it is hoped that several people may offer to take others in their car. There is also a train station right beside the grotto at Carfin.
The ‘200 Club’ is up and running again.
Please consider joining. The cost is £1 per Month: £12 for the year.
See Jeannette Farrell after Mass or Sr Eileen.
Masses are being 'Live Streamed' via the Internet to our Youtube Channel.
To follow the Masses click on the button below: -
Parish Mobile Phone Number - 07871 643357
Weekly Mass times:
Monday to Friday - 10am & 12.30pm
Saturday - 10am. Vigil Mass - 4pm
Sunday - 8:30am, 10a and12 Noon
St Columba’s parish was established in 1906 by Archbishop John Maguire to release some of the pressure from then St Joseph’s church in North Woodside Road; it opened in 1941 the year of the Clydebank and Govan blitz, during the second world war. The cost was met by the families of the area, each of whom paid 6d per brick.
It was designed
St Columba’s parish was established in 1906 by Archbishop John Maguire to release some of the pressure from then St Joseph’s church in North Woodside Road; it opened in 1941 the year of the Clydebank and Govan blitz, during the second world war. The cost was met by the families of the area, each of whom paid 6d per brick.
It was designed by the award-winning architect Jack Coia of Gillespie, Kidd & Coia. It has Italian Romanesque style with an imposing west front, a sculpture of the Paschal Lamb over the central door and painted panels of the Stations of the Cross by Hugh Adam Crawford, from the Catholic Pavilion at the Glasgow Empire Exhibition 1938. In the sanctuary, a marble reredos with a carved crucifix by Benno Schotz.
Because it is such an important historical and architectural masterpiece dating before 1948, it is a listed building in the category of Grade A.
Dr John Hume, a former inspector of historic buildings in Scotland, examined all the churches in Scotland and from a list of 1000, he shortlisted 184 which he considers the best. The Catholic churches in the city of Glasgow that he chose are St Andrew’s Cathedral in Clyde Street, and our church – St Columba’s! All his findings were published in his book: ‘SCOTLAND’S BEST CHURCHES’.
74 Hopehill Road, Glasgow, G20 7HH